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Author Guidelines

Journal of Economics and Business (JEBI) is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year (March and September) by FEB UNIKAL. JEBI accepts article manuscripts in the fields of management, accounting, economics and entrepreneurship.
Criteria for writing JEBI article manuscripts include::
1. Lecturer
2. Postgraduate and Doctoral Students
3. Pratice
Manuscripts written for the Journal of Economics and Business (JEBI) must be original research both theoretically and empirically that provide sufficient new contributions. The corresponding author must also provide a statement that the manuscript is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
The submitted manuscript has gone through a maximum Turnitin plagiarism check of 20% and the Turnitin check results need to be attached.
Manuscripts submitted are encouraged to use the JEBI article writing template (link template artikel)
General Format
1. The manuscript is prepared in A4 paper format, one sided, and single line spacing. New paragraphs should start 5 characters from the left margin, using Times new roman font size 12.
2. The manuscript is written in good and correct Indonesian or English.
3. The manuscript consists of 4,000 – 7,000 words.
4. Manuscripts submitted in Word format.
5. Top and bottom margins are 1 inch.
6. The title is written using capital letters only for the first word or special name (example: location name), font size 14, center position.
7. Subtitles are written using capital letters only for first words or special names, font size 12, starting from the left margin.
8. Sub-subheadings, if any, are written in capital letters only for the first word or special name. They should start from the left margin.
9. Sub subheadings, if any, are written in capital letters only at the beginning of each word except connecting words, all of which are in italics. They should start from the left margin.

Manuscript Format
The title should be short, clear and informative, but no more than 10 words.
1. Name of author and institution
The author's name must be accompanied by the author's institution and email account, without an academic title. It should be placed below the title. For joint papers, one of the authors must be identified as the corresponding author.
1. Abstract and keywords
Abstracts must be approximately 150 words, concise and include the objectives, methodology and results of the research. Keywords should consist of 3 to 5 words or phrases.
1. Introduction
This section explains the background, objectives and scope of the research.
1. Literature Review
Hypotheses do not need to be included, especially for qualitative research.
1. Research methods
This section explains the analysis tools and their data and sources.
1. Results and Discussion
This section explains the research results.
1. Conclusion
This section concludes and provides conclusions, implications, and suggestions for future studies.
1. References
This section only lists journals, books, or other types of publications referenced in the body of the manuscript.
Reference Writing
Each manuscript must include a reference list containing only works cited and using Mendeley tools ( or Zotero (
References are requested from publications from the last ten years (>80%), except for primary references (80%). Referring to any textbook should be minimized (<20%)