Syita Fatih ‘Adna


The purpose of this study is to provide a picture of student learning outcomes in Mathematics Statistics subject I. By analyzing the picture of learning outcomes, it can provide information about the ability of students to apply subsequent related learning, such as Mathematical Statistics II, as well as improving learning Mathematics
Statistics I year next. Student learning outcomes Statistics I is an accumulation of several aspects of assessment, including: observation of assignments, assignments, midterm, and final semester exams. Of the four aspects of the assessment each is illustrated through a diagram and analyzed. The sample of this study were students of the IVA semester of the 2015/2016 academic year. Based on the documentation for one semester, the results of learning
Mathematical Statistics I, still tend to get the C title with a range of grades 56-70. Students who received the C title were 20 people, with 35 students taking the Mathematics Statistics course there were 35 people. This data can be used as a material consideration in providing learning related subjects, such as Mathematical Statistics II.


descriptive analysis, learning outcomes, diagrams.

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