Imam Wicaksono


Intellectual property rights actually not a new thing in Indonesia, since the Dutch East Indies Government, Indonesia has a law on Intellectual Property Rights. The regulation of Intellectual Property Right  enactment of the laws of the Dutch East Indies government , imposed in Indonesia as a Dutch colony based on the concordance principle. At that time regulation of Intellectual Property Rights in Indonesia had just received three sector; Copyright, Trademarks, and Patents. Expansion of the regulation of Intellectual Property Rights in Indonesia has only been carried out after the ratification of the TRIPS Agreement. In this study the author will analyze the legal politics of protecting intellectual property rights before the ratification of the TRIPS Agreement. And what is the legal policy of the protection of intellectual property rights after the ratification of the TRIPS Agreement. This legal research is normative legal research. The results showed that with the emergence of a new law replacing the old colonial-made law, the understanding and scope of intellectual property rights protection in Indonesia became wider. The amendment to the Intellectual Property Rights Act in Indonesia cannot be separated from the ratification of the TRIPS Agreement and Indonesia's involvement in world trade.


Legal Politics, Legal Protection, Intellectual Property Rights, TRIPS Agreement

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31941/pj.v18i1.1088


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